Sneak Peek!

Sneak Peek!

    CHECK OUT THE COVER for the new book, the third in my Logan McKenna Mystery/Thriller series. I had so much fun writing this one. It brings Logan back to Jasper, her Southern California coastal home town. Here’s a peek… It’s summer, and with a...
The Love Scene

The Love Scene

WRITING A LOVE SCENE IS TOUGH! In this book, the third in my Logan McKenna series, I’m trying to hit the right balance: sensual, but not graphic, and definitely not bodice-ripping romance novel stuff. I’m aiming for enough passion to make you want to go...


BIG TOPIC TO COVER in 1000 words or less. We’ve heard all the songs, seen all the bumper stickers, and put up all the posters in our dorm rooms. All we need is love. Love conquers all. But what is love, and, how, as authors, do we deal with it in our writing? Maybe...


I’ll never forget my first athletic success. It’s easy. I only have one. It happened one hot afternoon in July. We’d just moved to Newport News, VA from Yokohama, Japan. Like every move in our family, this represented a fresh start. In an effort to revive their...