Writing for a Living

Writing for a Living

YES, YOU CAN! I remember being gently nudged into what my parents thought of as ‘more practical’ careers vs going for the gold and becoming an author out of the starting gate. When I was a young woman, writing, dancing, painting, etc were seen as hobbies,...
ManyBooks Author of the Day Interview

ManyBooks Author of the Day Interview

I was pleased to be selected as ManyBooks Author of the Day. Had a great time talking with Naomi Bolton for the interview. Here’s a copy of our conversation. I don’t know about other authors, but I don’t often reflect on how we do what we do or how...
Books on Writing

Books on Writing

TIME TO JUMPSTART YOUR WRITING ENGINE? I dug into my bookshelves—physical and electronic—and have some titles for you! Some are classics which I hope you have already discovered, but are well worth dipping into again. A couple are new ones that I plan on reading...
LWC Artisan Fair

LWC Artisan Fair

FALL FESTIVAL SEASON HAS ARRIVED! Lots of book events to tell you about—just wrapped up Driftwood Library’s Dark & Stormy Night author event and am preparing for Depoe Bay’s Little Whale Cove Artisan Fair November 8 and 9. If you’re going to be...
Awesome Event!

Awesome Event!

LINCOLN COUNTY READERS ROCK! Over 40 book lovers turned out on a rainy, stormy afternoon last Thursday for my Dark and Stormy Night author event in Lincoln City. A big thank you to Hobbes for the invitation to present and everyone at the Driftwood Library who helped...