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Hello! You’ll find posts here for readers, writers, and anyone interested in life. Check out the categories to the right for your favorite topics, or just start browsing. Sometimes I throw in a recipe or a poem, share my writer’s life, or tell you how I came up with one of your favorite characters. I’ll announce contests and share pics from events. Sometimes I delve into how to handle tough political, social or religious topics in your own books if you’re a writer, or share what I learn about the ever-evolving world of publishing. Whatever the topic, I promise to do my best not to waste your time. There’s enough clutter online without my adding to it.
I love to hear from readers, so feel free to comment on any post or write to me directly through the Contact page.
7 Essential Resources 4 Writers
Wanted to pass along a great resource from a former editor of Writers Digest, Maria Schneider: 7 Free Resources Every Writer Needs The Web is abundant with free guides, resources and, of course, advice for writers. The fact is, there’s so much out there that it’s...
Writer’s Journal
Where do you try out your ideas? Authors don’t just start writing on Monday, and a few months later type The End! Long before they fire up the old computer, or pull out that yellow, lined pad to write Chapter One, and all along the way, they’re testing ideas,...
New Audio Book!
I am happy to announce that the audio version of FOREST PARK: Logan Book 2 has just been released! Buy it at today at! For those of you interested in offering an audio version of your own book, check out ACX. Just as Create Space gave new authors and...
Plots! Plots! Plots!
HOW MANY SUBPLOTS SHOULD YOU WEAVE INTO YOUR STORY? The short answer is only add as many as you need to move the story along, and give it depth and interest. Easier said than done for the beginning novelist. Here are my Top 3 Tips for not just how many, but what kind...
The Inimitable Iona
Few characters arrive whole, but Iona Slatterly, like Aphrodite rising from the ocean foam, came fully formed. Inspired by a tiny woman I saw from across the room while serving jury duty years ago, Iona isn't hard to spot. I never got to talk with the woman, but her...
WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE KILLER? Fictional, of course. I don't like one-dimensional bad guys, and I find psychopathic serial killers boring. I mean, after Silence of the Lambs, Criminal Minds, Dexter, and every other thriller out there, we pretty much know everything there...
Wild West Showdown Interview
Fun Interview! J. C. Hulsey took it easy on me and we had a great time. Fast forward to 9:28 to get right to his questions. I discovered he lives just 3 hours north of my Great Grandfather's home, which happened to be the small Texas town for which Logan McKenna's...
New Interview
CHECK OUT my interview with one of our favorite book bloggers from the UK, Mum's Writings: Mystery and More.
When You Get Discouraged…
YESTERDAY, I PULLED UP THE WRITING SCHEDULE I MADE FOR MYSELF IN JANUARY. According to that schedule, I should have ~10,000 words written by now. I don't. So. Do I beat myself up and feel guilty for not having met my writing goal? I could. And I did, for about 2...
You’re Invited…
WE DON'T WRITE FROM NOTHING. You can't move your readers unless you are moved. So, keep your creative juices stirred. One way is to throw a dinner party and invite a wide variety of people. Everyone throws a question or two in a hat, then you use those to jump start...