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Hello! You’ll find posts here for readers, writers, and anyone interested in life. Check out the categories to the right for your favorite topics, or just start browsing. Sometimes I throw in a recipe or a poem, share my writer’s life, or tell you how I came up with one of your favorite characters. I’ll announce contests and share pics from events. Sometimes I delve into how to handle tough political, social or religious topics in your own books if you’re a writer, or share what I learn about the ever-evolving world of publishing. Whatever the topic, I promise to do my best not to waste your time. There’s enough clutter online without my adding to it.
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Mix it Up!
LET YOUR MIND OUT TO PLAY by adding some non-fiction to the mix. Don't get stuck reading only your genre. You will be surprised how getting away from your computer for a few hours or days, letting your brain climb around the jungle gym of new ideas will freshen and...
The Write Page Rocked!
Cram-packed Writers Page session last night - explored Creating Characters, Memoir, Plot, and Non-Fiction structures, and got started on Dialogue - FUN! Discussions were intelligent, lively, and participants covered all ages and genres - from young students writing...
July Writers Workshop
JOIN US AT THE NEXT 'THE WRITE PAGE' writers workshop at the Katie Wheeler Library in Tustin, CA, July 13th, 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM. Including both Fiction and Non-Fiction writers, this month's topics include writing Dialogue and Creating Characters, ways of structuring...
Join me Tomorrow! Local Authors Event
Come join me at the MYSTERIOUS GALAXY BOOKSTORE Local Authors Event this Sunday, Noon to 3:00 PM. Check out their site for directions. They'll have copies of SHATTERED: Logan Book 1 and my new release, FOREST PARK: Logan Book 2. Come hear how it all started and learn...
Livres et Biscuits: Les Revues
WHILE I APPRECIATE ALL BOOK REVIEWS and promotions, some book bloggers really go the extra mile. Malak Ismail of Quebec, Canada, just posted a promotion of FOREST PARK: Logan Book 2. The review is still to come, but I noticed he took extra time and care with the...
The Bird is Back!
CONDITIONS ON THE GROUND are perfect. My husband and son took off on a short road trip this week, so I have the place to myself this morning. Perfect day to get in some uninterrupted writing time on the third book in my Logan McKenna series. The Logan Light is On! I...
Book Mistress Author Interview
Recently, I was featured in one of Tracey Lampley Book Mistress Blog Author Interviews. She asked me some questions about creating characters, specifically one of the characters in FOREST PARK: Logan Book 2, Mrs. Nguyen. I love talking about this fiercely loyal, but...
Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore Author Event
JOIN ME SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH, NOON - 3:00 PM, at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego for a relaxed, fun, Local Author's Event. I've been invited to talk about my newest book, FOREST PARK: Logan Book 2, and the book that launched the series, SHATTERED: Logan Book...
Through a Child’s Eyes
Most writers have Day Jobs, and I am no exception. I will retire next year, with 21 years of teaching under my belt, and although I'm looking forward to having the time to write full-time, I have not lost my passion for teaching. Being around 12-year olds reminds me...
Great Turnout!
Great turnout for our first writers workshop at the Katie Wheeler Library in Tustin, CA. Thanks to Stella for getting the word out, and adding extra tables in the back of the room for us AND putting on a great spread to snack on. In this session, which focused on...