Your book is written, edited, re-edited, polished to within an inch of its life. You’ve approved the cover design, the layout, the drop cap font and marketing blurb on the back cover. You’ve updated your blog. You’re done! It’s now in the hands of the publisher and will soon be on shelves and eReaders.

Now what?

Writers get so used to the punishing pace of book writing and production, in-between juggling day jobs and trying to meet the needs of our families, that we often don’t know what to do with ourselves when we get fifteen minutes of unscheduled time on our calendars.

Notice I said nothing about taking care of ourselves. That usually gets pushed to the bottom of the list, although if we don’t take care of ourselves, something higher up on the priority ladder is going to come toppling down: our health, relationships, or jobs.

There is a saying that you can’t give from an empty well. So, when that last file is sent, bill is paid, approval is given…STOP!

Block out some white space on your calendar – time for yourself- make that doctor’s appointment, meditate or do yoga in the morning, listen to some music, play some music, go listen to someone else play some music. ( Something about music rejuvenates.) Make something with your hands. Get out in nature. Swim. Make love. Get back in touch with your physical body.

Jot ideas down when they come to you, but don’t jump into your next writing project too soon. Give those ideas time to ferment and bubble in the background. Your next book will be better for it.