QUESTION: “How many points of view can my novel have?”
ANSWER: “As many as you can handle…well.”
That last word is the kicker. The skilled author of an epic, historic novel could let us get inside 20 different characters’ heads, but most of us aren’t Tolstoy, nor are we writing War and Peace (587,287 words) or even Game of Thrones.
And then, there’s the matter of time. This is something I’m dealing with this morning. I’m vacillating between 3 and 4 POVs in an ~70,000-80,000 word mystery/thriller novel. Am I going to have to use flashbacks and dozens of flips in order to fit everything in – and how much backstory do I really need, anyway?
If you’re dealing with the same issues, here are some useful discussions on the subject:
Good examples: Stephen King (From a Buick 8) and James Patterson (Alex Cross series)
How Many is Too Many – Writers’ Block Party – Writing Forum/Writer’s
How Many Viewpoint Characters Can a Novel Have? – Advanced Fiction Writing/ Randy Ingermanson
Another Writing Forum/Writers Digest Discussion