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Hello! You’ll find posts here for readers, writers, and anyone interested in life. Check out the categories to the right for your favorite topics, or just start browsing. Sometimes I throw in a recipe or a poem, share my writer’s life, or tell you how I came up with one of your favorite characters. I’ll announce contests and share pics from events. Sometimes I delve into how to handle tough political, social or religious topics in your own books if you’re a writer, or share what I learn about the ever-evolving world of publishing. Whatever the topic, I promise to do my best not to waste your time. There’s enough clutter online without my adding to it.
I love to hear from readers, so feel free to comment on any post or write to me directly through the Contact page.
Go Set a Watchman
Just read GO SET A WATCHMAN. Along with millions of other people, I wanted to see what the grown-up Scout and Atticus thought about the new South in the 60s. With THE HELP still fresh in our minds, and my love of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, I was prepared to like the book....
Thought Exercise…
IMAGINE... YOU ARE IN THE BOX... Family, friends, coworkers and neighbors are about to arrive for your service. What would you want them to say about you?
Summer Writing Groove
LOVING MY SUMMER WRITING GROOVE! Writing and living your life are not mutually exclusive. On this road trip, I set my schedule to 500-1000 words a day 5 days a week. Everyone knows to leave me alone once that first cup of coffee is in my hand. Up in Seattle this week...
Not only do realtors live by this credo, but authors should, too. Story may be King, but Setting is definitely Queen. Setting can create mood, provide avenues for escape, illuminate character quirks, create comfort and entertainment for the readers of a series (think...
Changing Endings
SEATTLE'S SYMBOL OF STUBBORN RESISTANCE TO COMMERCIALISM IS SELLING OUT. Well, not so much selling out as being sold. The original owner, Ms. Masefield, long since gone, turned down big bucks in order to stay in her little bungalow, defying the corporations who built...
Back in the Swing…
...or saddle or whatever! I'm back to work on Logan 2. Day jobs like mine (teaching 12 year olds) deserve a lot of my attention September to June. I owe it to my students to design and deliver premier learning experiences for them. I also owe it to them to live a...
TicToc Review
New review on SHATTERED: Logan Book 1 from TicToc. It's always refreshing when you can tell the reviewer actually read the book, AND enjoyed it! A big thank you to all reviewers who do such a thorough job: Life often changes without notice. What may have been the...
Write First; Detail Later…
Every writer wants to paint details so real the reader forgets they're not Stephanie Plum fending off Ranger; but home in bed with cookie crumbs on the covers and a book propped up on a pillow so they won't wake up with a crick in their neck. To accomplish this feat,...
Stay Focused
As more people share their thoughts on SHATTERED: Logan Book 1, some express interest in seeing one of the minor characters becoming major ones. Others want Logan to solve a mystery in their neck of the woods or favorite city. Fun to let my mind wander down these...
Writing Schedules
I work better under some self-imposed pressure, so usually have a writing schedule to keep me on track. I was stuck on some research for a while, and the school year started up again, so had to put Logan 2 on the back burner for a couple of months. Once I got the...