This is Why the Smarter Artist is Important

This is Why the Smarter Artist is Important

You know what I always wanted to be, ever since I was a kid? A storyteller. Not just a writer, but a teller of stories. At no point did I want to be a blogger. At no point did I want to teach or sell knowledge. At no point did I want to be an “authority” in anything....

Gray Mountain

Just finished reading John Grisham’s latest, Gray Mountain. It’s an issue novel decrying the evils of Big Coal, black lung, & strip mining, vs the character-driven novels he became famous for — the underdog lawyer makes good. If you read it, what...

Writing for an International Audience

WRITE FIRST – EDIT LATER I write from my heart and allow myself to develop my characters, settings and plots freely. If I am thinking of having a book translated into another language, it makes sense to have someone (or several someones) from that country read...

Perfect Writing Day

SOMETHING ABOUT AN OVERCAST MORNING makes for the perfect writing day. What about you? Do you need a special environment in which to write? Quiet? White noise? Bach? Only with your lucky teddy bear nearby?