Movies to Inspire Your Writing

I need a jump start sometimes. Wild Mind will do it, but during the holidays, when screens large and small seem to be filled with too many chase scenes, exploding cars, and thin characters, I search for a good movie. Always on the lookout for one with multi-layered...

The Writer & Family Holidays

When I see 5 open days on my calendar – white space is lovely – I feel an immediate urge to drive to a remote cabin or beachfront cottage, armed with nothing but my laptop, an excellent pinot grigio, good cheese and apples. It’s LOGAN TIME! But…I...

Morning Meditation

Crows Thrive. That’s the message I got this morning during my morning meditation. I say that like I regularly meditate every morning, which, of course, I do not. But still. I’m not sure why, but what calms me is listening to whatever messages nature feels...

Discovering Book Blogs

When juggling your job, your writing, and your life, you learn to reduce clutter and focus your efforts. In the ever-evolving publishing world, marketing can be effective, or a black hole from which your time never returns! The old method of sending out Advanced...

On Writing…Steven King

Reading Steven King’s book, ON WRITING: a Memoir of the Craft. Not a fan of horror, blood and guts, so didn’t pick this one up for a while. Wish I’d read it earlier. You feel like you went on the journey with him, seeing what becoming a writer was...