by valeriedavisson | Jan 11, 2015 | Uncategorized, Writing Process
ROMANCE NOVELS don’t have a corner on love. In fact, most of them don’t have anything to do with love; just the initial few weeks or months of hormonal infatuation. But love is a central theme of every book we write – no matter the genre – so...
by valeriedavisson | Jan 5, 2015 | Reviews
SHATTERED gets another 4 STAR review! Check out the newest book review of SHATTERED: Logan Book 1 by Brittany on her Oh My Bookness book blog. You can also find her review of SHATTERED on Amazon, GoodReads, Pinterest, and Google+. Click Here to Read to read the...
by valeriedavisson | Jan 4, 2015 | Writing Process
MURDER MYSTERY WRITERS ARE NOT COPS, FIREMEN, OR MEDICAL EXAMINERS, but they fill our books. How can we make sure our murder and investigation scenes are accurate? Ask the experts, of course. Only someone who does one of those jobs for a living 365 days a year can...
by valeriedavisson | Dec 28, 2014 | Writer's Life
IF SHARON STONE doesn’t show up to be your Muse and spirit you off the aquarium for inspiration, try INTO THE WOODS. Saw it with my husband last night and it definitely jolted me out of my holiday Cruise Control mode. I didn’t know it was a musical....
by valeriedavisson | Dec 23, 2014 | Writer's Life
I NEED TWO OVENS! This annual complaint has echoed through my kitchen the last 6 years, since my immediate family tripled in size. John came with 4 children, boyfriends and girlfriends turned into spouses, and one has produced a grandchild to add to our happy jumble....