by valeriedavisson | Jul 23, 2015 | Reviews
Just read GO SET A WATCHMAN. Along with millions of other people, I wanted to see what the grown-up Scout and Atticus thought about the new South in the 60s. With THE HELP still fresh in our minds, and my love of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, I was prepared to like the book....
by valeriedavisson | Jul 11, 2015 | Writing Process
IMAGINE… YOU ARE IN THE BOX… Family, friends, coworkers and neighbors are about to arrive for your service. What would you want them to say about you?
by valeriedavisson | Jul 7, 2015 | Writer's Life
LOVING MY SUMMER WRITING GROOVE! Writing and living your life are not mutually exclusive. On this road trip, I set my schedule to 500-1000 words a day 5 days a week. Everyone knows to leave me alone once that first cup of coffee is in my hand. Up in Seattle this week...
by valeriedavisson | Jun 13, 2015 | Writing Process
Not only do realtors live by this credo, but authors should, too. Story may be King, but Setting is definitely Queen. Setting can create mood, provide avenues for escape, illuminate character quirks, create comfort and entertainment for the readers of a series (think...
by valeriedavisson | Apr 12, 2015 | Writing Process
SEATTLE’S SYMBOL OF STUBBORN RESISTANCE TO COMMERCIALISM IS SELLING OUT. Well, not so much selling out as being sold. The original owner, Ms. Masefield, long since gone, turned down big bucks in order to stay in her little bungalow, defying the corporations who...