5 Top Interview Tips

5 Top Interview Tips

NO SURPRISE…as a writer, I find it easier to interview others than to be interviewed myself. Maybe when I’m rich and famous it will become second nature, but for now, I much prefer asking the questions to answering them. First-time fiction writers quickly...
The 25-Word Pitch

The 25-Word Pitch

KNOWN AS THE ELEVATOR PITCH, these 25 words may be the hardest writing you’ve ever attempted. Say you got on an elevator with one other passenger. As the doors closed and you started to zip up to the next floor, your companion turned to you and asked, “I...
Total Immersion

Total Immersion

Most of the time, we’re like leaves skittering across the surface of life, missing its cool, quiet depths. We see, but we spend very little time being still long enough to make sense of what we’ve seen – putting it all together. We scoot along,...


HELP SPREAD THE WORD! FOREST PARK: Logan Book 2 is now available for the promotional price of 99 cents! Please share this post with friends and families who enjoy reading Mystery/Thriller/Suspense. I appreciate every download and review.  The print version will be up...
Still Looking?

Still Looking?

STILL STRUGGLING WITH FINDING TIME TO WRITE? Take Steven Covey’s sage advice, “Schedule your priorities, don’t prioritize your schedule.” When I picked up his landmark work, THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, I finally organized the scraps of...