Loner or Joiner?

Loner or Joiner?

WRITING IS A SOLITARY OCCUPATION, so why join a writers’ group? I have always made excuses for not joining one, the primary one being that I have no free time. The other, I admit, was that I just thought it would slow me down. So when a local library invited me...
Respect Your Writing Time

Respect Your Writing Time

How do you find time to write and hold down a full-time job? Simple question. Not so simple answer. I’ve posted about time management, but in a way, that’s the easy part. Penciling in those neat little boxes of your calendar, or mapping out your weekly...
Talk to Me

Talk to Me

What? You want me to do what? I admit this was my first reaction when my publicist asked me to do some radio talk show interviews. I don’t mind hard work. I don’t mind juggling my day job, family, friends, contacting book bloggers, and writing my own blog posts, while...


Enjoy a free extended preview of the first three chapters of FOREST PARK:Logan Book 2 – now available from the publisher at: iBooks:  https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/forest-park-free-preview/id1091524255?mt=11 Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CPTAI1E...


HOW WONDERFUL CAN ONE MAN OR WOMAN BE? In most mysteries, no matter the sub-genre, there’s almost always a love interest, however fleeting, for the main character. What bothers me about a lot of love-interest characters is they can be cloyingly perfect. I mean,...