by valeriedavisson | Apr 15, 2016 | Writing Process
WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE KILLER? Fictional, of course. I don’t like one-dimensional bad guys, and I find psychopathic serial killers boring. I mean, after Silence of the Lambs, Criminal Minds, Dexter, and every other thriller out there, we pretty much know...
by valeriedavisson | Apr 9, 2016 | Interviews
Fun Interview! J. C. Hulsey took it easy on me and we had a great time. Fast forward to 9:28 to get right to his questions. I discovered he lives just 3 hours north of my Great Grandfather’s home, which happened to be the small Texas town for which Logan...
by valeriedavisson | Apr 2, 2016 | Interviews
CHECK OUT my interview with one of our favorite book bloggers from the UK, Mum’s Writings: Mystery and More.
by valeriedavisson | Apr 2, 2016 | Writer's Life
YESTERDAY, I PULLED UP THE WRITING SCHEDULE I MADE FOR MYSELF IN JANUARY. According to that schedule, I should have ~10,000 words written by now. I don’t. So. Do I beat myself up and feel guilty for not having met my writing goal? I could. And I did, for about 2...
by valeriedavisson | Mar 29, 2016 | Writer's Life
WE DON’T WRITE FROM NOTHING. You can’t move your readers unless you are moved. So, keep your creative juices stirred. One way is to throw a dinner party and invite a wide variety of people. Everyone throws a question or two in a hat, then you use those to...