WHO’S YOUR FAVORITE KILLER? Fictional, of course. I don’t like one-dimensional bad guys, and I find psychopathic serial killers boring. I mean, after Silence of the Lambs, Criminal Minds, Dexter, and every other thriller out there, we pretty much know...
Wild West Showdown Interview

Wild West Showdown Interview

Fun Interview! J. C. Hulsey took it easy on me and we had a great time. Fast forward to 9:28 to get right to his questions. I discovered he lives just 3 hours north of my Great Grandfather’s home, which happened to be the small Texas town for which Logan...
When You Get Discouraged…

When You Get Discouraged…

YESTERDAY, I PULLED UP THE WRITING SCHEDULE I MADE FOR MYSELF IN JANUARY. According to that schedule, I should have ~10,000 words written by now. I don’t. So. Do I beat myself up and feel guilty for not having met my writing goal? I could. And I did, for about 2...
You’re Invited…

You’re Invited…

WE DON’T WRITE FROM NOTHING. You can’t move your readers unless you are moved. So, keep your creative juices stirred. One way is to throw a dinner party and invite a wide variety of people. Everyone throws a question or two in a hat, then you use those to...