Stepping Up Your Game

Stepping Up Your Game

HOW DO YOU WRITE A BOOK? In one form or another, this is the question I often get asked. How do you think up characters? How do you keep all the story lines straight? But the main question people ask is how do you find the time? How do you fit writing into your life?...
The Book Review

The Book Review

ALL WRITERS NEED REVIEWS. They are essential for sales, of course, but they are also a great source for information as you’re working on your next book. Writing is a craft, and just because you have a natural talent for it doesn’t mean your skills can’t improve. All...


BIG TOPIC TO COVER in 1000 words or less. We’ve heard all the songs, seen all the bumper stickers, and put up all the posters in our dorm rooms. All we need is love. Love conquers all. But what is love, and, how, as authors, do we deal with it in our writing? Maybe...


I’ll never forget my first athletic success. It’s easy. I only have one. It happened one hot afternoon in July. We’d just moved to Newport News, VA from Yokohama, Japan. Like every move in our family, this represented a fresh start. In an effort to revive their...
Stepping Up Your Game

New OC Writers Column

Thanks to O. C. Writers for inviting me to do a monthly article about Writers Craft. They are giving me pretty free rein, which I appreciate, so you never know what topics will pop up! If there is something you’d like to explore, let me know. This opportunity is...