HOW DO YOU WRITE A BOOK? In one form or another, this is the question I often get asked. How do you think up characters? How do you keep all the story lines straight? But the main question people ask is how do you find the time? How do you fit writing into your life? Because, whether you work a day job or are fortunate enough to write full time, it’s still a challenge.
We just leaped into a New Year, so, if you’ve always wanted to write a book, but weren’t sure where to begin…start with a production schedule. With my first couple of books, I set daily and weekly word-count goals, which kept me on track and got the job done, but I’ve recently stepped up my game by creating a true production schedule to include all aspects leading up to the book launch.
Gleaned from webinars, writing sites, and many other resources, I recently created one for the book I’m currently working on, and shared it in a guest post on the O.C. Writers site. (Thanks to Meghan for the invite. Always great working with you.) Writing may be a solitary task, and having a production schedule doesn’t mean you will complete your book, but it just may give you the edge you’re looking for. 2018 is Your Year!
STEPPING UP YOUR 2018 by Valerie Davisson