EVERY SPRING THE EARTH RENEWS HERSELF and we humans celebrate in many ways. Whether you’ll be dancing around the May pole, enjoying Easter Sunday dinner or sharing Passover with relatives and friends, I hope Spring 2019 brings you an opportunity to refresh and renew. Happy whatever it is you celebrate!

We all need a good spring cleaning from time to time. Whether you’re a writer like me or not, we all need to get up and get outside, away from our computers, shake it off, live a little! I had some gnarly things to deal with this last week that took me away from the fun part of my job, which is creative writing, so will be taking my own advice. This morning I took my dog, Finn, for a walk along the ocean into some misty rain, above pounding waves. It was awesome! We both enjoyed ourselves. Cleared my head.

So, gather roses while you may and all that. Go barefoot! Play with the dog! Switch it up and try something new. Monday morning you’ll be glad you did.